Does Flossing Help Bad Breath?

Does Flossing Help Bad Breath?

Blog Does Flossing Help Bad Breath? Does flossing help bad breath? In today’s “Ask the dentist” video, we asked Vancouver Dentist Dr. Ed Lowe if dental floss helps with bad breath. The answer may surprise you. In case you missed it, here’s the video transcript: Dr....
Bad Genes lead to Bad Teeth?

Bad Genes lead to Bad Teeth?

Blog Bad Genes lead to Bad Teeth? We all know the saying “it runs in the family”! Many health issues do run in the family and are passed through our genes, even bad teeth! Recent studies have shown that health of your teeth depends on a combination of genetics and...
The Truth about Tooth Enamel!

The Truth about Tooth Enamel!

Blog The Truth about Tooth Enamel! One of the most important and often overlooked components of your teeth is your enamel. Did you know! It is one for the four major tissues that make up the tooth in humans as well as other animals! In this post, we look at what...
Breaking Down Common Dental Problems

Breaking Down Common Dental Problems

Blog Breaking Down Common Dental Problems There are a wide variety of dental problems that plague everyone! They can be minor or very major, but the good news is that most can be easily prevented with a proper oral hygiene treatment. Brushing and flossing daily, twice...
Getting to the root of Cavities

Getting to the root of Cavities

Blog Getting to the root of Cavities A large majority, if not all of us, at one time has had a cavity! They not only can be painful, but also can cause serious oral health problems. In this post, we get down to the root of Cavities. Did you Know: Cavities are very...