by My Smile Makeover | Oct 14, 2013 | Uncategorized
Blog Dentistry From The Heart Way back in 2001, a man by the name of Vincent J. Monticciolo decided that he wanted to do something good. He was a dentist by trade, and he had grown tired of watching people ignore their oral health due to financial constraints. It was...
by My Smile Makeover | Jun 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
Blog How Do You Adapt To Meet Your Patient’s Needs? Dr. Lowe and his team have helped all kinds of people over the years. They have learned that each patient is different and needs a unique treatment plan. This month, Dr. Lowe talks about the different strategies his...
by My Smile Makeover | Apr 29, 2013 | Uncategorized
Blog When Should My Child First Visit The Dentist? Raising happy and healthy children is the first concern of any parent, but questions sometimes arise as to how to best do that. People often wonder when they should first bring their kids in to the dentist. We asked...
by My Smile Makeover | Mar 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
Blog Is Sugar Really Bad For Your Teeth? A question like this sounds too easy. Of course sugar is bad for your teeth! Why else would dentists recommend sugar free products sweetened with xylitol, or frown at us when we describe our constant candy cravings? Or did we...
by My Smile Makeover | Mar 5, 2013 | Uncategorized
Blog Home Treatment For TMJ What is TMJ? TMJ stands for Tempero Mandibular Joint Disorder, and THAT stands for a giant pain in the jaw. It can come about because of jaw misalignment, uneven or misplaced teeth, or the stress of tooth clenching during the night. TMJ can...