
The Chew: 8 Foods For Healthy Teeth

by | Mar 20, 2014

Sugar, Coffee, Oranges, OH MY! As we know, there are many foods and liquids out there that can break down and deteriorate the strength and health of your teeth. But did you know, there are some out there that can help with healthy teeth! Daily brushing, flossing and visiting your dentist for regular check-ups is still the best way to ensure you have healthy teeth, but there is nothing wrong with a few more helpful tips! Chew down on the eight foods that can help lead to healthy teeth!

1. Tea.
Enzymes found in green and black teas are shown to slow the growth of bacteria associated with cavities and gum disease. Additonally, it helps to break down bacteria that leads to bad breath!

Did you Know! Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago found that people who rinsed their mouths with black tea for one minute, 10 times a day, had less plaque buildup on their teeth than people who rinsed their mouths with water. What’s more, the size and stickiness of their plaque was reduced!

2. Cheese
Not only is it delicious, but cheese helps to neutralize the plaque acid and level pH balance in your mouth. This helps with acid wear and break down of teeth and fighting plaque build-up.

3. Raisins
Although a sweet treat, raisins don’t contain sucrose or table sugar – both of which help bacteria stick to your teeth and build up plaque. Raisins also include phytochemicals – a cavity-causing plaque-bacteria killer!

4. Crunchy Foods
Although some crunchy foods can harm your teeth, some can help! Crunching down on some apples, carrots or some celery can work like a natural toothbrush, cleaning teeth and clearing away plaque.

5. Vitamin Rich Foods
Look for foods that contain calcium — such as cheese, almonds or leafy greens — or foods that are high in phosphorous — like meat, eggs or fish — as they can help keep tooth enamel strong and healthy. Vitamin rich foods can help to redeposit minerals into your teeth keeping them healthy and strong.

6. Sugarless Gum
Chew down on some sugarless gum when done eating. The chewing motion and increase in saliva secretion helps to clear away bacteria left on your teeth.

7. Milk
Milk is a powerhouse when it comes to healthy teeth! Rich in calcium, Milk helps to neutralize acid produced by plaque bacteria, but also helps build strong teeth and bones!

8. Cranberries
Similar to tea, cranberries (all natural, not contained in tarts or other sweets) contain polyphenols that fight plaque from sticking to teeth, reducing the risk of cavities.

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